3: Most experts in newspapers and TV are predicting our party will blow the other side out of the water in most of the country this fall. 这句话说:报界和电视界的多数专家预计今年秋天我们的党将在全国大部分地区把对方打得一败涂地。
Zina: We're going to blow WebTracker out of the water. 吉娜:我们会让“网路搜寻家”出局的。
You're gonna blow them out of the water. 你一定把他们打得落花流水。
Not all performances are enough to blow you out of the water. 不是所有的表演都能给你留下深刻的印象。
They think they can blow their rivals out of the water with this product. 他们认为使用这种产品能够轻松战胜对手。
They are going to blow their rivals out of the water with a new marketing strategy. 他们准备用新的市场营销策略来彻底击垮他们的对手。
This funeral's going to blow us out of the water. 这场葬礼将给我们带来大麻烦。